Mindverse Labs: AI salesroom

Developed and hosted in Germany
GDPR compliant
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The Sales Lead Qualifier

With Mindverse AI Sales Room, we find the right companies that could be looking for your services and match them with the solutions you offer. Mindverse AI automates the email notification and cold calling script for you based on the business information it finds.

Mindverse AI Marketing Solutions
Product knowledge

Our AI is trained on all of your company data to gain a deep understanding of your business using case studies and any sales material to know what services/products you offer along with pricing.

Mindverse AI Marketing Solutions
Needs analysis

Mindverse AI combs through all sources for your target customer from news articles, Linkedin, and other information to get as much information as possible. Our AI then evaluates all information to create a needs analysis that determines the most appropriate product offering for the customer's needs.

Mindverse AI Marketing Solutions
Cold Lead Email

Now that we have all the information, our AI can start creating messages that present your offer in the best possible way, highlight the elements of demand, and put you in the best position to start a conversation.

Mindverse AI Marketing Solutions
sales script

Together with cold calling emails, our AI can create scripts for your sales teams so they can start cold calling your customers — all based on comprehensive insights.

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