How, as a communications agency, was able to use Mindverse and have so far achieved time savings of more than 40% through AI process automation.

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July 6, 2024
Website besuchen

AI integration as the key to inspiring content and strategic vision: how saves 40% time in editorial processes

For more than 25 years, has been a competent partner for small, medium-sized and large companies in all areas of communication work, from strategic design to operational implementation. For more than five years, the team has specialized in advising and providing operational support to works councils.


The experienced team from implements professional and authentic communication projects for their customers. With the help of AI-supported applications, the team should be supported more efficiently, in finding topics and in the writing process.

added value

By implementing Mindverse in various work processes, saves several hours of working time every day.

Mindverse also helps with researching and creating content, which significantly speeds up work processes.


Hannes Boekhoff, owner of

“AI in the area of text and image generation in particular has made great progress and has become enormously important in the past year. As an agency, we were faced with the fundamental question: 'Will AI replace us soon? 'Our answer is very clear: 'No. '

— But at the same time, the use of AI clearly offers great added value, for example for 'boring' tasks such as text optimization or correction loops. We use the time gained in this way for concepts, advice, thinking along and finding topics. ”

Using the Mindverse Suite for everyday work processes has achieved success on two levels:

1. Internal efficiency:

The use of AI to optimize editorial content resulted in significant time savings.

Depending on the project and requirements, we could permanently 40% of project work redistributed become.

Die Time gained is effectively used for strategic planning and creative work.

2. External efficiency:

Through the saving time Can a total of more customer inquiries realized become. Cost savings are passed on directly to customers, resulting in the competitiveness from while improving the quality of their services.


To prepare for the German Works Council Day, copywriter Kristin Unger used the Mindverse chatbot for the creative process:

For the creation of our marketing materials, I have a common concept with the chatbot brainstorming done.

For me, this was primarily about to understand my target group even better. What challenges do works councils face in their daily work? How can communication help here? The chatbot's answers were the basis for the advertising materials we created. ”

  • Kristin Unger, copywriter

Results at a glance

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40% time savings

Editorial activities, such as adapting a text, rewriting it to a different target group or even simple editing, have become significantly more efficient. Using Mindverse saves time that can be used elsewhere.

Quality improvement

The AI-supported content reaches a high level after just a short familiarization phase.

Communications specialist, Kristin Unger, has now incorporated the use of the Mindverse Suite into her daily work.

Innovative customer solutions

Mindverse is used in open communication with customers. was able to show customers how AI can be used effectively for works council and external communication work profitably.

outlook is on the right track to exploit the full potential of AI. Internally, Mindverse has already been integrated into various team work processes. The next step is to create a GDPR-compliant AI environment for works councils. Deepening the partnership with Mindverse plays a major role in all of this. By working with Mindverse, has already been able to set new standards in communicative consulting and wants to continue using AI as a driving force to creatively and efficiently master the challenges of the future.

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Website besuchen
July 6, 2024
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